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Maio Big Eyes

Jean Maio, born Margaret Eugenia Stewart, was a notable artist in the 1960s and 1970s, renowned for her unique "big eye" paintings. Her style portrayed subjects with exaggeratedly large eyes, creating a sense of innocence, wonder, and melancholy. Maio's works became highly sought-after, and she quickly gained recognition in the art world, making her a household name.

Bacchus Greenman Plaster

The Bacchus Greenman ceramic display is a beautiful decorative item that boasts a size of 12 inches. It incorporates a unique design inspired by the Roman god of wine, Bacchus, and features elements of nature and the outdoors such as vines and leaves. The display is crafted from high-quality ceramic material, which ensures its durability and longevity, making it an excellent addition to any home or office decor.

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