New Orleans: Facts

Contributor(s): Holmes, Jack D L (Author), Martinez, Raymond J (Author)

Ghost Stories of

Contributor(s): Delavigne, Jeanne (Author), Richards, Charles "He struck a match to look at his watch. In the flare of the light they saw a young woman just at Pitot's elbow–a young woman dressed all in black, with pale gold hair, and a baby sleeping on her shoulder. She glided to the edge of the bridge […]

Fear Dat New

Fear Dat New Orleans explores the eccentric and often macabre dark corners of America's most unique city. In addition to detailed histories of bizarre burials, ghastly murders, and the greatest concentration of haunted places in America, Fear Dat features a "bone watcher's guide" with useful directions of who's buried where, from Marie Laveau to Ruthie […]

Chasing American Monsters:

Chasing American Monsters: Over 250 Creatures, Cryptids & Hairy Beasts Jason Offutt (Maryville, Missouri) teaches journalism at Northwest Missouri State University. He's the author of four previous books on paranormal topics, including Haunted Missouriand Paranormal Missouri (Schiffer) and several novels. He has been interviewed on Whitley Strieber's Dreamland, Destination America, Binnall of America, Darkness Radio, […]

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