The Settlement of

Contributor(s): Deller, John Hanno

The Price for

Contributor(s): Berry, Daina Ramey (Author)

The Innocent Lynched

Contributor(s): Gentile, Joseph

The French Quarter:

Contributor(s): Asbury, Herbert (Author)

Tales from the

Tales from the French Quarter by Kalila Smith is a captivating book that takes readers on a journey through the vibrant and enchanting streets of the French Quarter. With beautifully written stories and vivid descriptions, this book brings to life the rich history, culture, and characters of this iconic neighborhood in New Orleans. Whether you're […]

Southern Decadence in

Contributor(s): Smith, Howard Philips (Author), Perez, Frank (Author)

Picturing Black New

Contributor(s): Anthony, Arthe a (Author)

Frenchmen, Desire, Good

Contributor(s): Chase, John (Illustrator)

Creole Families of

King, Grace (Author) This photographic reproduction of the classic 1921 work by Grace King is a delight to all who love New Orleans, its people, and its history. We are given a detailed, yet thoroughly enjoyable, look at some of the events and families who transformed the city into a historical and cultural gumbo in the […]

Bourbon Street: A

Contributor(s): Campanella, Richard (Author)

Beautiful Crescent: A

Contributor(s): Garvey, Joan (Author), Widmer, Mary Lou (Author), Spiess, Kathy (Editor), Chappetta, Karen (Editor), Molony, Jane (Foreword by)

American Uprising: The

Contributor(s): Rasmussen, Daniel (Author) Annotation:Breathtaking. [Rasmussen s] scholarly detective work reveals a fascinating narrative of slavery and resistance, but it also tells us something about history itself about how fiction can become fact, and how history is sometimes nothing more than erasure. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Deeply researched, vividly written, and highly original. Eric FonerHistorian […]

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